Observed Tech PODCAST Episode 94 Show Links:
- Observed Tech PODCAST Episode 93 (Special Edition) (WinObs)
- Is iOS7 as good as Windows Phone, live 928 Case testing, and the xBox One all on Surface Geeks 28 (SurfaceGeeks)
- Navy ends century and a half of ALL-CAPS messages (ARS Technica)
- Visualized: SpaceX Dragon capsule at E3 (Engadget)
- E3 organizers set the fuzz on OUYA over parking lot cheekiness (Engadget)
- Xbox chief says Microsoft’s offline option is an Xbox 360 (GeekWire)
- Xbox One at E3 Global Media Briefing Highlights (WinObs)
- No Standard Definition TV for Xbox One (WinObs)
- Xbox One and PS4 now on equal footing for accessing multiplayer gaming (WinObs)
- Xbox One Preview: Pricing, Xbox LIVE Changes, Launch Games (WinSuperSite)
- Xbox One Preview: Accessories (WinSuperSite)
- Xbox One Preview: Smart Match (WinSuperSite)
- Xbox One Preview: Reputation (WinSuperSite)
- With Windows 8.1, Microsoft is aiming squarely at mobile devices (ZD Net – Ed Bott Report)
- Windows 8.1 to get portrait-mode, other small-tablet tweaks (ZD Net – All About Microsoft)
- Another third party service in decline possibly as Twitter opens their analytics to all users (WinObs)
- AT&T bumps up device upgrade wait time from 20 to 24 months (cNet)
- Microsoft and Best Buy partner to bring Microsoft Stores inside of Best Buy but will it work? (WinObs)
- PC Maintenance Tip: Clean Out The Trapped Dust Bunnies in your Case (WinObs)