A summary of the links we shared throughout the day to our Twitter account @WinObs
- Microsoft kills the Mini: The Surface that didn't surface – CNET
- This is the most annoying thing about the Surface Pro 3 – Neowin
- Microsoft will sell Surface Pro 2, but most models are "out of stock" on its site – Neowin
- Move over Java. Drive-by attacks exploiting Microsoft Silverlight on the rise | Ars Technica
- Hands on Surface Pro 3 with Ben the PC Guy (@benthepcguy) | WindowsObserver.com
- Samsung Music to close on July 1st – Neowin
- Facebook Offering Free Anti-Malware Software to Infected Users
- Security fears amongst UK startups on the rise again | ITProPortal.com
- Baffle yourself with the best optical illusions of the year – CNET
- The mysterious disappearance of the 8-inch Surface mini | Ars Technica
- This Twitter Map Shows The Mood Of The World In Real Time – AllTwitter
- Microsoft still selling the Surface Pro 2, but for how long? | WinBeta
- Power up your PowerPoints with Office Mix – MSDN Blogs
- Inside Windows Phone 76: Matt Hidinger on Live Tiles in Windows 8.1
- Surface Pro 3 aims to replace laptops — and paper – CNET
- Ping 208: Live from TechEd North America 2014! | Ping! | Channel 9
- New Windows 8.1 apps optimized for Surface Pro 3 announced – Neowin
- Bluetooth gives devs an onramp to Internet of Things with new starter kit – GeekWire
- GeekWire's Taylor Soper named a New Journalist of the Year – GeekWire
- Surface Pro 3 – Summary and News Roundup | WindowsObserver.com
- Salesforce Rises on Earnings Beat, Improved Outlook | Re/code
- Oculus Rift to party at Chuck E. Cheese restaurants – CNET
- PowerTip: Use PowerShell to Add Hyper-V to Windows 8.1 Laptop – Hey, Scripting Guy! Blog – Site Home – TechNet Blogs
- Microsoft recognizes outstanding contributions by suppliers
- Why are we working on this? – GeekWire
- How to Encrypt Your Email
- Windows 8 creator says Surface Pro 3 is 'the best Intel PC ever made' – Neowin
- Round-up of latest updates for popular apps and games for Windows and Windows Phone
- Ex-Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer sued for $3M over NBA-related dispute – GeekWire