A summary of the links we shared throughout the day to our Twitter account @WinObs
- Amazon employee unleashes drone havoc on Space Needle – CNET
- SpaceX wins intermediate victory over US in launch contract case | Ars Technica
- Uber launches in Oregon, but stays away from Portland for now – GeekWire
- My OSCON 2014 Presentation and More – MSDN Blogs
- Microsoft explains why they oppose government demands for personal data – Neowin
- Direct Access status Always "Connecting" on Windows 8 – Riccardo Pomato – Site Home – TechNet Blogs
- Tech Giants Begin Recruiting for the Next Big Platform Wars | Enterprise | WIRED
- Xbox One to go on sale in China in September [Update: Now with pricing!] – Neowin
- Psychedelic Portraits That Demand a Closer Look | Raw File | WIRED
- A Wild Proposal for Domed Houses Made of Inflated Concrete | Design | WIRED
- The English Computing curriculum and Microsoft products – MSDN Blogs
- Rank Hotels Based on the Quality of Their WiFi
- Sheep for wheat, anyone? Internet Explorer releases preview of new social Catan web experience for free play
- iPhone 5S vs. train goes exactly like you'd expect – CNET
- Amazon's $100M 3Q original-show budget equals one Netflix series – CNET
- Windows Phone 8.1 powered Lumia 530 headed to T-Mobile later this year | WinBeta
- WhatsApp Beta for Windows Phone updated, brings speed improvements and new features | WinBeta
- Jen Taylor's voice for Cortana won't be coming to the UK – Neowin