A snapshot of links shared on my Twitter account @WinObs for today
- Do You Know How To Keep Your WordPress Site Safe
- “Technology changes how authors write, but the big impact isn’t on their style”
- Photographer Carol Highsmith sues Getty and Alamy for wrongly selling copyright licenses to over 18K+ photos she donated to the public, seeks $1B+ in damages (Carey DunneHyperallergic)
- The Wait Is Over – The Xbox Summer Update is starting to roll out
- ‘Mars’ trailer features Elon Musk, Neil Tyson and Red Planet explorers from 2033
- Blue Danube Analemma
- @WinObs Tweeted Links for July 29, 2016
- DHS Announces Cyber Incident Reporting Information
- If you’re running into the Windows 10 device limit ceiling, remember that the Xbox One counts against it