A snapshot of links shared on my Twitter account @WinObs for today
- Exploring ideas for making visual art more inclusive
- AOL co-founder Steve Case Most VCs are lazy, and we think way too much about Silicon Valley
- PC Pitstop is Front and Center in Siouxland Business Journal
- Strengthening Cyber Security Infrastructure with Automated Global Whitelist
- America’s new, super-expensive weather satellite launches Saturday
- Game Bundles Get Civilization VI, Doom, Watch_Dogs 2 for Free with AMD & Samsung Hardware
- Open Source Software Secure Except When It Isn't
- Facebook’s Atlas to Wind Down Ad-Serving Business, Focus on Measurement
- AT&T has cure for 'texting thumb' – CNET
- Niche Co-Founder Rob Fishman Leaves Twitter
- This Router Leverages AI to Protect Your Kids
- How To Create a USB Installation Drive for Dual Booting Windows 10 on Surface Book
- Azure Advisor, now in public preview, will help you configure your Azure resources
- Azure Media Redactor now available in public preview
- Celebrating Native American culture, past and present
- This Week on Windows New features in Windows Maps, Cortana and more
- A New Corporate Responsibility
- Powerful backdoorrootkit found preinstalled on 3 million Android phones
- Announcing UWP Community Toolkit 1.2
- Billionaire Jeff Bezos gets all geeky over Blue Origin’s robotic rocket drilling machine
- Live Unit Testing in Visual Studio 2017 RC
- When a city has gigabit Internet, prices for slower speed tiers drop
- Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella reassured LinkedIn’s Jeff Weiner about the $26B acquisition with these two key remarks
- Facebook Under Fire for the Spread of Fake News
- Symantec Releases Security Updates
- Headlander Is Now Available For Xbox One
- Don’t do it consumer-grade solid-state drives (SSD) in Storage Spaces Direct
- Office Online Server November release
- Microsoft Shuffles Windows 10 Insider Build Releases for Testers in Fast and Slow Rings