A snapshot of links shared on my Twitter account @WinObs for today
- 2.1 Million Square Kilometers of New Imagery in Western Canada
- Transforming Diversity and Inclusion (D&I) Culture
- Amazon Web Services makes another deal, acquiring Thinkbox media rendering tech company
- Featured Keynote Julia White | Microsoft Tech Summit Washington, D.C Keynote
- Mousemaker Logitech Gets Ready to Roar at Tech Industry Giants
- Rotating DevOps role improves engineering service quality
- “I was skeptical of the whitelist approach…”
- Major League Baseball is first to allow the use of a device to collect player biometrics in games
- Tour De Tech A Global Impact–Microsoft Student Partner
- Active listening apps on Chromebooks foster future skills
- Outlook Add-ins now in Insider Slow
- Building Windows 7 Images in 2017
- WordPress Releases Security Update
- Yahoo launches text-based chatbot called Captain to help organize family schedules
- BT told to cut landline-only customers' bills
- Donuts’ appeal means .Web is a long way off
- Upon further review The Nintendo Switch’s lackluster online features
- Device fails to join domain during a ConfigMgr OSD Task Sequence due to DC time synchronization issues
- Great Example Of OneNote Class Notebooks In A School
- ThinkGeek opening another Washington state store with Tacoma Mall location coming this spring
- Fix errors with diagnostic logs in Azure Stream Analytics, now in public preview
- Partners Learn how to create a value proposition that gets customers’ attention
- Expedia to keep satellite office in hometown of Bellevue after departing for Seattle in 2019
- Office 365 Health Dashboard Now Available to All Site Administrators
- 7 Tips App Developers Can Use to Retain an Audience
- Twitter says move from chronological to algorithmic timeline has upped engagement in key metrics including retweets and likes, but doesn't say by how much (Will OremusSlate)
- Microsoft's Update and Restart Modifications in Creators Update Hit the Mark for End Users
- Vikings – Wolves Of Midgard Is Now Available For Digital Pre-order And Pre-download On Xbox One
- Profile of Sidewire, a social network that vets users, giving access to experts only; around one-third of its 800 members are journalists (Shan WangNieman Lab)
- Which businesses will soon undergo tech evolutions ‘Upstarts’ author Brad Stone has a forecast
- Comcast NBCUniversal is launching a Techstars-powered accelerator called LIFT Labs, to target startups in media, entertainment, and connectivity (Anthony HaTechCrunch)
- DevOps to Culture and Beyond | MVP Led TechDays Online February 2017
- Twitter Influencer Score using Machine Learning
- Technicians Secure the Protective Covering Around CYGNUS
- Virtual Reality Games, Digital Signs & Swedish Apartments Get a Boost with Microsoft AI & Machine Learning
- Power BI team earns 2017 Esri New Technology Integration award
- Google Play turns 5 today!
- New basics training to get the most out of Office
- New in Access 2016—Large Number (BigInt) support