A snapshot of links shared on my Twitter account @WinObs for today
- Air Force budget reveals how much SpaceX undercuts launch prices
- Watch As disassembly continues, time-lapse video gives look inside Bertha the Seattle tunnel machine
- Why You Should Get a Job in Customer Service Before Launching a Startup
- Anthem Official Teaser Trailer
- New languages, including Arabic and Hindi, to be developed for Smart Cities for All Toolkit
- How this tech startup is helping 7 homeowners join forces to sell their properties at a premium
- It’s business, and it’s personal How Amazon Web Services decides to enforce non-compete contracts
- This Founder Began His Career As a Digital Nomad
- The Future of Cybersecurity Sells Cookies
- Microsoft’s Albert Penello on Xbox One’s “post-X” future
- Amazon’s Jeff Bezos turns to Twitter for advice on giving away his fortune
- Exchange Online Mail Protection Power BI Report
- Seattle’s Rapid Tech Growth Highlights the City’s Need for Inclusivity
- ICT for Inclusive Urban Development Smart Cities for All Toolkit Available in New Languages
- Surface Pro Drivers and Firmware
- Azure quadruples the maximum size and performance of Azure Disks
- Ransomware Attack Leads Hospitals to Suspend Emails
- Hands On New Skype on Android (Screenshots)
- Getting Started with Open Source Licenses
- Navy’s newest carrier has problems getting planes up
- This #Insiders4Good Entrepreneur Is Tapping Tech to Increase Student Success and Societal Access to Justice
- PathForward US Dept. of Energy Awards $258M in Research Contracts To Develop Exascale Supercomputer Technology
- Building Production-Ready CSS Grid Layouts Today
- Facebook requests input on hard questions about censorship, such as removing false news, and plans to begin explaining how it's addressing each question (Josh ConstineTechCrunch)
- Differences between Windows 10 Mobile (Nokia Icon) & Android (Samsung Galaxy S8)
- Verisign files name spinning patent application
- How Google Cloud is transforming Japanese businesses
- Why Amazon (and others) might want to acquire Slack
- Allergan embraces growth pharma model, accelerates business with the Microsoft Secure Productive Enterprise
- Ping Access for Azure AD now generally available
- SnapChat loses dispute over “GeoFilters” term
- Behind the Design An Engineer’s Tour of Surface Studio
- According to statistics, programming with spaces instead of tabs makes you richer
- #MSBuild 2017 Revisited Bots
- Study Customers Boycotting Brands With Ads Near Offensive Digital Content
- Newly leased Amazon office building in Seattle sells for $330M to German investors
- Judging 13 domain names at a community pool
- Bethesda’s Tim Willits talks Quake’s past, present, and future
- Resource Using Microsoft Deployment Toolkit & User State Migration Tool for Windows 10 Deployments