A snapshot of links shared on my Twitter account @WinObs for today
- Improving university chemistry students engagement with OneNote, Cloud and digital inking.
- Exclusive Google buys Seattle health monitoring startup Senosis, bolstering digital health push
- A new European news site called NewsMavens gathers team of female editors to see how they will curate stories differently from the typical mass media narrative (Mădălina CiobanuJournalism.co.uk)
- NPR's solar eclipse coverage includes 22 videographers, kid reporters and local newsrooms (Kristen HarePoynter)
- Bill Gates joins Instagram to share photos from his adventures, starting in Tanzania
- Observed Tech PODCAST Episode 241 #OTP
- Vermouth takes on Yelp with new friend-based review app, with support from hoops star Sue Bird
- Show Notes Observed Tech PODCAST Episode 241 #OTP
- The Topology Service Is Not Available in The Farm
- Silicon Valley can't be blamed for every problem at the New Republic – we need better thinking on technology, data, and journalism to ensure positive outcomes (Chris Moran)
- Here’s What Might Be Slowing Your Wireless Router (and Here’s How to Fix It)
- Baidu’s Qi Lu, former Microsoft exec, explains why Amazon’s Alexa took the industry by surprise
- Sunday Surprise – Azure’s Amazing Media Redactor
- Bernetta Kouba retires, at 91, after a five-year stint delivering newspapers for The Winona Daily News in Minnesota (Winona Daily News)
- Bing Maps Web Control picks up a number of new additions
- Sources Verizon's new online TV service is delayed due to lack of deals with content owners, executive turnover and internal discussions over service specifics (Bloomberg)
- @WinObs Tweeted Links for August 12, 2017
- Win32 How to get the refresh rate for a window
- 3 Tips for Developing the Perfect Business Name