A snapshot of links shared on my Twitter account @WinObs for today
- Photos show Seattle Mariners’ home ballpark being torn up as Safeco Field gets a major resurfacing
- Join the Cloud Ready program and grow your cloud practice
- ‘Star Trek Discovery’ ranks Elon Musk alongside Wright Brothers and warp drive
- Interview with Uber's HR chief Liane Hornsey on the firm's efforts to address its toxic culture since Susan Fowler's blog post (Wall Street Journal)
- Elon Musk posts video of the Model 3 body line to prove that production is humming along
- Why Companies Are Hiring Employees Without a Tech Degree
- Fusion Media tests reward system to give bonus impressions to ads with higher engagement, licensing the ad tech from Performance Pricing (Benjamin MullinWall Street Journal)
- Crowdsourcing Microsoft Opens Site for Submitting Malicious & Phishing Sites for Review
- The Magic Window Is Closing Between RS3 and RS4 Fast Rings
- Gannett backs Thanksgiving.com publisher
- 5 Reasons Website Speed is Crucial for Your Success
- Windows Insiders RS3’s Magic Window is About to Close
- RUGBY 18 Day One Edition Is Now Available For Digital Pre-order And Pre-download On Xbox One
- Introducing Cortana in Skype—Microsoft’s intelligent assistant comes to your chat window
- Disneyland Adventures Is Now Available For Digital Pre-order And Pre-download On Xbox One
- Cortana is Rolling Out in Skype for Android and iOS
- ICANN hopes Puerto Rico will recover in time for March meeting
- Office 365 Disabling password synchronization and password remnants…
- Windows 10 Tip Work more efficiently with MyAnalytics
- SpaceX launches 10 satellites for Iridium, then lands Falcon 9 booster at sea
- Get a Computer Science Education Without The Debt
- Outlook for iOS and Android is adding your most requested calendar features
- Microsoft Education and Open Up Resources partner on free math curriculum pilot
- Get inside the making of Xbox One X, Microsoft’s most compact and powerful console yet
- Understand Blockchain with Ken Hansen – DNW Podcast #156
- Netflix is facing stiff competition from Hulu which outbid it for reruns of This Is Us, spending around $3.5M per episode according to sources (Bloomberg)
- How Tech Companies Are Dealing With Global Problems
- Black Marble uses Microsoft HoloLens to help revolutionise Crime Scene Investigation with tuServ
- 7 Technology Trends IT Pros Need to Know for 2018
- Q&A with Microsoft mixed reality researcher Alex Kipman AltspaceVR communication will be VR's killer app, no timeline yet for mixed reality on Xbox or mobile (Dean TakahashiVentureBeat)
- Pay the Web Forward Making payments simpler on the Modern Web | Microsoft Edge Web Summit 2017
- News Not News – Windows Phone in Maintenance Mode
- Office 365 Pilot Group Mail Flow Issues
- Office 365 Roadmap Update | October 1 – 7, 2017
- Facebook for Windows 10 now includes support for Jump Lists, among other changes
- Google finds Russian-bought ads worth tens of thousands of dollars on YouTube, Gmail, DoubleClick, that were part of effort to influence the 2016 election (Washington Post)
- EU's General Data Protection Regulation will push advertisers to buy ads on sites with recognizable brands rather than target audiences anywhere on the web (Lorna WhiteINMA)
- Google Domains Go Live in India – The Best Place to Buy Domain Names
- Last Week on Channel 9 October 2nd – October 8th, 2017