A snapshot of links shared on my Twitter account @WinObs for today
- Windows 10, Version 1709 Coming Soon
- Fandango to acquire MovieTickets.com for an undisclosed amount, gaining access to UK, Canada, and significantly expanding in Latin America (Todd SpanglerVariety)
- Elon Musk will chat about his big rocket plans with SpaceX fans on Reddit
- TWC9 Windows Developer Day On-Demand, TypeScript is 5, Xbox Onesies and Giant Battling Robots! | This Week On Channel 9
- Your Computer Might Be Working for Currency Miners
- Fandango to acquire MovieTickets.com for an undisclosed amount, gaining access to UK, Canada, and significantly expanding in Latin America (Todd SpanglerVariety)
- Crowdsourcing Microsoft Opens Site for Submitting Malicious & Phishing Sites for Review
- FAQs Converting Title Case, Tunneling in App Services, Admin Accounts for Azure Stack Dev Kit
- Skype, Cortana, and Privacy Nothing has Changed with Addition of New Feature
- Want to Ditch Social Security Numbers Try Blockchain
- Patch Tuesday for October 2017 Sorting Through This Month's 55 Patches And Updates
- How to Prevent Users from Installing the OneDrive Sync Client Office 365
- Nvidia Harnesses 10-Fold Power Gain With Computer for Robot Cars
- Chinese Drone Maker Adds Privacy Mode to Appease Military Users
- Windows 10 Version 1511 Lifecycle Support Ends Today
- The Magic Window Is Closing Between RS3 and RS4 Fast Rings
- Linux Foundation Adds 15 New Silver Members
- Office 365 Roadmap Update for October 2017
- 7 Technology Trends IT Pros Need to Know for 2018
- FAQs Time Stamps, Date Differentials, and Finding an Entry in an Arrray with PowerShell
- Taking Inventory of Microsoft Edge Extensions – October 2017 Update
- Ask @WinObs How secure are my OneDrive files
- First-Ever ITDev Connections 2017 Hackathon
- Sources Amazon sought $2.8M for ad packages for NFL games on Prime and other inventory, but some advertisers paid less; second game drew 391K avg. audience (Alexandra BruellWall Street Journal)
- This Week On Xbox October 13, 2017
- If Kaspersky Bothers You, So Must Its Rivals
- Announcing Windows 10 Insider Preview Build 17017 for PC
- Glowforge delays shipment of 3D printers again as buyers express frustration with Seattle startup
- Glorious Sunrise at the Start of a Spacewalk
- Silicon Power Launches Bolt B80 External SSD 500 MBs, IP68, USB-C Interface
- We're looking for news reporters around the world to join the Neowin team
- Try out the Xbox One X, now at Microsoft Store locations, weeks before it’s available for sale
- Microsoft EDU Moments
- Data, Not Technology, Is the Key to Innovation in Sports
- You Won’t Succeed Until You Understand Both the Product and Customer
- Time partners with Reddit to publish top-performing original posts flagged by Reddit staffers in an article series every Thursday (Max WillensDigiday)
- Arrow Launcher Re-Launches as Microsoft Launcher
- Cloud brings healthcare into the classroom for India’s impoverished kids
- Sources Twitter deleted tweets and user data potentially valuable for Russia probe in keeping with its privacy policy (Josh MeyerPolitico)