A summary of the links we shared throughout the day to our Twitter account @WinObs
- A POP3 and IMAP Capable Email Client for Windows 8 and RT – Skycap Mail | McAkins Online
- Championing student innovators – TechNet Blogs
- Google+ update pulls +1'd posts into your friend's streams
- Will new production facility raise the bar for YouTube videos? | Internet & Media – CNET News
- Microsoft Store Location in Jacksonville Florida Discovered | WindowsObserver.com
- Foxconn reportedly hiring workers for next-gen iPhone | Apple – CNET News
- All Windows phones can now have Nokia's mapping and transit apps | Mobile – CNET News
- Is Dropbox cloud storage too expensive? | Internet & Media – CNET News
- Microsoft's top eight business priorities for fiscal 2014 | ZDNet
- The fastest phones around (roundup) | Smartphones – CNET Reviews
- Microsoft delivers an overdue progress report on its Office 365 upgrade push | ZDNet
- Spacewalk Training at Johnson Space Center | NASA
- Windows Phone 8 Development for Absolute Beginners
- Turn off vampire gadgets with your smartphone | Crave – CNET
- Startup Spotlight: Former Microsoftie taps African roots to transform money transfers – GeekWire
- WPC showcases opportunities to sell Windows 8 solutions to businesses – TechNet Blogs
- First Set Of Updates For Windows RT 8.1 Preview Now Available For Download | WMPoweruser
- New Internet Explorer ad reminds us things aren’t always what they seem – TechNet Blogs
- Apple and Amazon App Store trademark lawsuit ends amicably
- The Windows 8.1 Upgrade Experience
- Dropbox announces the Dropbox Platform, syncing with third-party apps, Mailbox integration
- Building a better battery from rice | Ars Technica
- Microsoft awards top-performing partners at Microsoft Worldwide Partner Conference
- EMR letting you down? Well then doctors, maybe it’s time to take matters into your own hands. – MSDN Blogs
- Haswell MacBook Pro benchmarks show modest performance gains | MacFixIt – CNET Reviews
- July 2013 Internet Explorer Updates – MSDN Blogs
- An inside view of the WebTV revolution that didn't happen
- Got a science or math degree? Here are the best places to find work – GeekWire
- Why Are You Running Out of Disk Space