A snapshot of links shared on my Twitter account @WinObs for today
- Microsoft’s Fluent Design System threatens to make Windows look good
- Apple Releases Security Updates
- Sources Disney CEO Bob Iger says hackers claiming to have access to an upcoming movie have demanded a ransom; the company is refusing to pay it (Pamela McClintockHollywood Reporter)
- As cord-cutting picks up pace, media companies are competing to make it into skinny bundles, with channels like Nickelodeon and TNT finding themselves left out (Shalini RamachandranWall Street Journal)
- WannaCry Impacted Over 75K Endpoints Wordwide
- Microsoft patents Windows 10 “kill switch” technology to deter piracy
- Story Remix Gives Amateur Film Makers A Great Option to Express Their Creativity on Windows 10
- Snap pilots ads for world lenses, its AR filters for the rear-facing camera, which sources say cost 30% more than the $300K-$700K promotional lenses (Sarah FrierBloomberg)
- Two experts say Gizmodo's phishing test for members of Trump's team may invite prosecution under CFAA (Sean GallagherArs Technica)
- Amazon stock vs. Seattle real estate Which was the better investment over the past 20 years
- Facebook updates Live video policy to address misleading uses including livestreamed polls with deceptive background images (Josh ConstineTechCrunch)
- Microsoft's Windows-Centered Ecosystem Bolstered by iOS and Android Work
- How to Protect Yourself from Win32.WannaCrypt using Microsoft Intune
- Fluid Responsive Typography With CSS Poly Fluid Sizing
- New Windows 10 Tip how to import your data from another browser to Microsoft Edge
- Windows 10 Spotlight may not show Tips
- Building an Azure Analysis Services Model on Top of Azure Blob Storage—Part 1
- .NYC and GreatDomains auctions end this week
- Check out 5 new services for Bing Maps
- After 18 charmed months, Blue Origin suffers a setback
- SMITE Season 4 – Season Ticket – Summer Split Bundle Is Now Available For Xbox One
- PivotTables just got personal
- My Life on Microsoft I went to Build 2017, and came away with an Android phone
- How the fourth industrial revolution is a catalyst for new opportunities in Asia
- Judge’s order bars Uber engineer from LiDAR work, demands return of stolen files
- Making money with ccTLDs – DNW Podcast #136
- Build 2017 – Xbox Live, Creators Program and more | .GAME
- Just three words Here’s what Bill Gates would do today if he were just starting out
- Build 2017 Prepare for an Ecosystem of Devices Connected Through Windows
- Op-ed Google should take full control of Android’s security updates
- Short Shadow
- Samsung Chromebook Pro Now Available for Pre-Order at Amazon
- NASA Astronauts Inducted into Hall of Fame, Live May 19 on NASA Television
- As hospitals and countries recover from WannaCrypt, Microsoft president blames poor patching practices and government stockpiles
- US Federal Trade Commission announces crackdown on tech support scams
- The Guardian now has 230K members paying a minimum of £5month, 185K print and digital subs, and 190K one-off contributors, yet still faces an uncertain future (David BondFinancial Times)
- Bot Authentication in the Bot Framework
- Confusing OneDrive for Business – sharing files and folders
- Three years of striking the right (to be forgotten) balance